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Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 7:37 AM



    In addition to the matters discussed in open forum (see the story on the front), the Britton-Hecla Board of Education had a full agenda for last Tuesday’s meeting. 
    The board continued its review of district policies with several policies progressing through their first or second readings. Notable updates include a revision to the “Use of School Property” policy (#3014), which now states that “School facilities may only be used for personal profit and other commercial purposes at the superintendent’s discretion,” enabling events like craft fairs to be held at school sites. A proposed adjustment to Policy #3001 on budget development would add the business manager as a responsible party in addition to the superintendent. Additionally, Policy #2006, which addresses complaints, may be updated to include the business manager, ensuring a consistent process for handling complaints involving both the business manager and the superintendent.
    The open enrollment policy (#5004) went through its second reading. Upon the district counsel’s advice, the policy will note that the student to teacher ratio shall may not exceed a ratio of 24 students per staff member in each section due to open enrollment, which makes the change from “teacher” to “staff member.” 
    Superintendent Steve Benson asked for the Medication of Students policy (#5024) to be changed to take away the ability for any student to self-administer medication, including over the counter ones. The board agreed with that change. Students will be administered any needed medication through the school office.
    In #5035 regarding student discipline, the following section was added regarding In-School Suspension: “Students assigned to ISS will serve the suspension in an assigned room. Students will be permitted to use their computers when directed by the classroom teacher. Students will receive full credit for all work completed and submitted on time to the classroom teacher. Parents will be notified when ISS is assigned to a student. If a student is put on ISS, he/she will NOT be able to participate in or attend extra-curricular activities on days a suspension is assigned.” In the same policy, regarding Short Term Out-Of-School Suspension, the following was added: “Students will be expected to complete all work assigned during the suspension by the due date and will receive 70% of the earned credit if turned in on time…. If a student is serving an Out of School suspension, he/she will NOT be able to participate in or attend extra-curricular activities.”
    The first reading of the K-12 Student Handbook was held though the administration noted that they were still going to be soliciting the board and faculty for suggestions. 
    The policies regarding Closed Campus and Student Driving and Parking (#5032 and 5033) were also amended to more closely align with current district practices. To see those changes and all the other policy business, visit britton.k12.sd.us/page/britton-hecla-school-board and click on “Policies Under Review” towards the bottom right of the page. The full meeting minutes that mention all policies under review are also in this week’s paper.  
    School counselor Sheila Anderson presented a short review of the district’s report card. The Dept. of Education publishes schools’ report cards in October on their website, sdschools.sd.gov/#/home. The online resource provides data to help parents, educators, and community and state leaders understand how their public schools perform on select metrics.  Anderson went over various highlights. She noted that last year’s ACT scores, the test being taken by juniors and seniors, were on par with the rest of the state at 21.2. She added that future scores will likely be lower as the state has decided to move to the ACT test for everyone rather than requiring the Smarter Balance test. 
    Anderson pointed out that districtwide scores have remained fairly steady for the last three years but voiced concern that some scores, particularly math and English language arts are below the state average. “It’s not where we would like to be,” she emphasized. “We would like to be higher.” She also added that distict students with disabilities performed substantially below the state in some categories.
    Some strategies for improving scores were discussed. Board member Audrey Schuller voiced concerns about the drop in scores and suggested that the board needs to dedicate more time and attention to the matter now and throughout the entire year. 
    Check back in the upcoming weeks for a more detailed story about report card scores for both B-H & Langford Area. 
    In personnel matters, a working agreement with Sterling Mertens for the assistant gymnastics coach was approved as was an unpaid leave request.
    In his report, Benson noted a few legislative items that schools should keep their eyes on in the near future, including school vouchers. He also added that it appears that the legislature will be introducing legislation regarding cell phone use in schools in the upcoming term. 
    The next board meeting is planned for Monday, Dec. 9 at 6 p.m.


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Temperature: 14°F Town: Britton, SD

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Wind: 6 mph