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Friday, March 14, 2025 at 9:30 AM


Sweet Repeat
Sweet Repeat
Calee Hagen could have a great time playing dress-up at her home currently. She is in possession of many prom and formal dresses of all styles and sizes. However, Hagen is not collecting dresses for her own enjoyment. Rather, she is doing it for a good cause: to provide affordable prom dresses to girls while benefitting a worthwhile charity. 02/08/2023 12:00 AM
Changing Of The Guard, Roehr New EM Director
After being on-call in some capacity since the 1980’s Todd Landmark is ready to hang up his many hats. He was formerly a Marshall County sheriff’s deputy, and until retiring from the department recently, a member of the North Marshall Fire Department for 34 years. At the end of January, Landmark also retired from his position as Marshall County Emergency Management (EM) Director following a 16 year stint. 02/08/2023 12:00 AM
Super Bowl Dream Comes True
Super Bowl Dream Comes True
It’s a dream come true. 02/08/2023 12:00 AM
LA Board Appoints Supt. Interview Committee
LA Board Appoints Supt. Interview Committee
02/02/2023 10:59 AM
It’s Electric! Co-ops In Classroom Visits B-H
It’s Electric! Co-ops In Classroom Visits B-H
Britton-Hecla fourth graders had an electric time a few weeks back thanks to the local electric co-op. Lake Region Electric Association visited Paula Hanson’s students for their ‘Co-ops in the Classroom’ program. 02/01/2023 12:00 AM
UFC From A Britton Farmhouse
UFC From A Britton Farmhouse
Amber (Andrews) Bowen works from home. Her office is in the corner of her basement in a farmhouse west of Britton. Her two computer monitors sit against the cinderblock wall. Occasionally she has to bang on her washing machine if it gets too loud while she’s on a meeting. While this situation might sound typical these days, especially in a post-COVID shutdown world, Bowen works for a company that you might not imagine a small-town South Dakota girl would work for: Ultimate Fighting Championship, better known as UFC. 02/01/2023 12:00 AM
Legislative Columns
Legislative Columns
01/25/2023 03:23 PM
City Positions Up For Election
City Positions Up For Election
Area city board positions will be up for election this spring. 01/25/2023 12:00 AM
Flexible And Fun: Area Schools Need Subs
Flexible And Fun: Area Schools Need Subs
“The shortage of substitute teachers, both in quantity and quality, across the country has never been more severe,” wrote Geoffrey Smith, director of the Substitute Teacher Training Institute, in a 2022 article for the National School Superintendents Association website. Though Smith penned those words last year, the issue remains and is true for South Dakota as well: There are not enough substitute teachers to go around. Yet, area principals say that it can be a great job for many reasons and invite local people to learn more about the position. 01/25/2023 12:00 AM
SD Teacher Shortage Worsens
SD Teacher Shortage Worsens
Concern over the future of the teaching profession in South Dakota has led to more aggressive efforts by education officials to train and inspire a new generation of classroom leaders, with particular emphasis on elementary school classrooms. 01/25/2023 12:00 AM
Pearson Honored By Rural Electric Assoc. With Legacy Award
Pearson Honored By Rural Electric Assoc. With Legacy Award
At the 81st annual meeting of the South Dakota Rural ElectricAssociation(SDREA) held in Pierre this past weekend, a local man was recognized for his leadership in the industry. Kermit Pearson of Lake City was presented with SDREA’s 2023 Legacy of Leadership Award. This award highlights outstanding cooperative leaders who lend their talent, time, expertise, and passion toward achieving success for their cooperatives and their service areas. 01/18/2023 12:00 AM
Local Partnership Benefits All
Local Partnership Benefits All
If you stop by any senior citizen center, you can probably guess what you would find inside. Folks in their golden years enjoying coffee, cookies and maybe some feisty card-playing. At the Fun After Fifty center in Britton, you’ll find all of the above. However, on select days of the week, you’ll also see seniors counting nuts and bolts or slipping instruction pamphlets into plastic sleeves. Perhaps a strange sight, but one that has been a regular occurrence at Fun After Fifty for decades. 01/18/2023 12:00 AM
overcast clouds

Temperature: 54°F Town: Britton, SD

Pressure: 985 hPa
Wind: 10 mph

Marshall County Journal